State Development and Planning Management System

eSPA version 4.1.8

eSPA is a software system, one of the many and wide-ranging initiatives undertaken recently by the Sarawak government in its objective to transform Sarawak by driving it towards a strong and vibrant Digital Economy.

eSPA provides the digital platform within this Digital Economy ecosystem which in this case, is focused on creating an on-line common platform where multiple applicants, approving and processing agencies can seamlessly interconnect, where information can be accessed and flow from one party to another, guided, controlled and pushed within preset timeframes by inbuilt work flow process templates. The system is expected to deliver benefits to multiple parties, including the following:

  • Professionals - Town Planners, Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors;
  • The Public - Land Owners, PA Holders, Developers, Consultant firms;
  • NGOs - Charitable Organisations, Religious Bodies
  • Government Agencies - Ministry of Urban Development and Natural Resources, Land and Survey Sarawak, Bintulu Development Authority, Department of Irrigation & Drainage Sarawak, Local Councils, Federal Governments and more...

Main System Features :-

  • Registration and renewal of SPA Qualified Persons;
  • Planning Permissions for Development of Lands or Buildings;
  • Siting Application for Government Projects / NGOS;
  • Digital Endorsement of SPA Approved Plans and Approval Letters;
  • Online payment of submission and other planning fees;
  • Electronic Notifications on application milestones, reminders on due dates and online query for more information;
  • Electronic Invitations to project proponents to view application details;
  • more...